
Confetti Dreamers is the result of a 10-year journey that started with a creative spark, a dose of discontent, and a nudge that wouldn’t go away.

My blog post Say What? You’re Autistic? shares a bit of my story.

From my humble point of view, everything (EVERYTHING) is connected. Think Butterfly Effect or the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

As someone who does a lot of self-reflecting, all of my life experiences interconnect and relate to where I am today. 

Despite feeling vulnerable, I share this because you, too, can find contentment by embracing your authentic self and living through color.

Below are some visual representations of what I’ve learned about myself on my journey to becoming a confetti dreamer:

  • I have a clear cyclical pattern of Autistic burnout, due to masking and other ‘uncurrents.’
  • And, yet… I have found ways to stitch together the connectionsmy lessons learnedto discover and embrace my authentic self.
  • This journey has blessed me with the gift of contentment as a confetti dreamer.